Community Writes
March Community Writes
Tuesday, March 12, 5:30-7:30p.m.
Spring is afoot, underground is rumbling, thawing, coming back to life after a long winter's rest. We can feel the excitement in our bodies, coursing through our bones and veins like sap in the maple trees. The energy of spring emerges from deep within, ready to bust out into buds and brooks. As we investigate this time of year we’ll look to the energy centers of our writing projects, the potent fulcrums of our story.
Fulcrums are the essential center of our story. They play a pivotal role in the activity, events, and situations of our characters. In this Community Writes we’ll settle into an embodiment exercise, write into prompts, share our voice, and play in the creative process. We’ll write for process instead of product, for exploration and empathy, to see the world with new eyes, and to know what is deeply true for us. We’ll allow curiosity and a wide mind to guide our exploration. These gatherings are a means to begin telling a story, or collection of stories, that only we can tell.
Community Writes!
For writers and non-writers alike, 18 and older Save the Dates: October 10, November 7, December 5. Sliding scale: $15-25/session, at the door
Join Kelsy Hartley for Community Writes!, a community writing series. In this monthly gathering, we’ll use changing themes and creative memoir prompts to explore new ways of telling our own unique stories. Through exaggeration, mixing of characters, and getting to the “heat” of the story, we’ll engage, excavate, and cultivate our story in its “true form.”
Kelsy is a writer, mover, and bodyworker, who believes that all good things come from the body -- creativity, healing, joy. In her biodynamic craniosacral therapy practice, Kelsy supports the expression of health through deep listening and reverence. As a writer, she facilitates gentle inroads towards personal expression. In both modalities Kelsy aims to unlock that which is most true, and most alive.